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<> 05:40h <> Hello night-owl! Today is Thursday November 26, 2015 , that is the 330. day of the year. <> Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hrs.. Windy. <> The newest reported measurement of the private weather-station "Mijas/Calahonda" is from local time 05:40h CE[S]T ::: Air-temperature outside: 59.2 °F, alteration in the last hour: 0.0 °C~1,8~1%~32~1% °F ::: Rel. humidity outside: 60 % ::: Barometric pressure: 30.129 inHG, tendency: falling, -1.5 hPa/3h~0.02953~3% inHG ::: Wind-speed: 9.0 mph with direction from 22 °, that corresponds to North Northeast, highest wind-speed of the last 24 hours: N-NE 22.5 km/h~1.609~1% mph, at 04:10 ::: Precipitation at the moment: 30.129 in, in the last hour: 0.0 l/m²~0.02953~3% in, in the last 24 hours: 0.0 l/m²~0.02953~3% in, last rain at: 20.11.2015, 01:01h, dryness-duration: 6 d, 4 h, 40 min <> Current weather report every 10 minutes from Mijas/Calahonda <>

 213° (South West)
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      Last update: 22.12.2009 21:21