This side is updated only once a day - approx. 12:00 h - !
Longtime-Average-Values for Calahonda since January 2002 | |
Air temperature outdoor |
18,8 °C |
Air humidity outdoor |
62 % rel. |
Barometric pressure |
1017,0 hPa |
Windspeed | 8,1 km/h |
Gusts |
14,0 km/h measured only since July, 2007 |
Precipitation Average of the rain quantity of all (past 915) raindays |
1,8 l/m² |
Evapotranspiration Daily average of all years |
3,777 mm measured only since July, 2007 |
Solar radiation |
255 W/m² measured only since July, 2007 |
UV-Index |
3,1 UV-I measured only since July, 2007 |
Last calculation from: 16.05.2016, at: 13:55 h <> Data since: 01.01.1980 | |
Weather rstation: VantageProPlus, © 1999-2005 Werner Krenn - Wetterstation Bedien- und Auswertesoftware - V2.98.4 - |
Detailed lists of the single years
Attention long download duration!
side is updated only once a day - approx.
12:00 h - !