This page is updated only once a day - approx. 12:00 h


Anual values

Current year

Last year

Perennial sum / Average value 1/2002 since today

Raindays / year

(PRECIPmin >= 0.2 l/m˛)

22 56

915 days

65,357 / year

Icedays / year

(Tmax < 0°C)


- -

0 year

0,000 / year

Frostdays / year

(Tmin < 0°C)


- -

1 day

0,071 / year

Cold days / year

(Tmin < 10°C)


- -

35 days

2,500 / year

Cool days / year

(Tmax <= 15°C)



- - days

- - / year

Warm days / year

(Tmin >= 20°C)


- -

3233 days

230,929 / year

thereof summerdays / year

(Tmax >= 25°C)


- -

1953 days

139,500 / year

thereof hot days / year

(Tmax >= 30°C)


- -

800 days

57,143 / year

Tropic nights / year

(Tmin >= 20°C)

between sunset and sunrise



1264 Tropic nights

90,286 / year

Last calculation from:  16.05.2016,   at: 13:55 h                                            <>                                            Data since: 01.01.1980

Weather station: VantageProPlus, © 1999-2010 Werner Krenn - Wetterstation Bedien- und Auswertesoftware - V2.98.4 -

  Detailed lists of the single years

To look with the ".xps-Viewer" (in the folder:  ..\WINDOWS\System32) Attention long download duration!












This page is updated only once a day -

approx. 12:00 h


Euroranking - PR Service

Pagerank- & Counterservice


Last update: 15.09.2011 15:03